Lubbock Concert
Lubbock 2014 continues...
"Dan's Quest"
January 8, 2014
For Immediate Release:
Re: Friends of Fogelberg,
Grass Roots Movement
Fighting Prostate Cancer
The Amarillo based, Third Party Non-Profit Fund Raising Organization known as Friends of Fogelberg is announcing their plans to produce a Tribute Concert to the Late Dan Fogelberg, beloved singer-songwriter of the 70s – 80s – 90s, who passed away from prostate cancer in 2007 at the age of 56.
In 2008, Amarillo musicians came together to perform the first of what has become four concerts honoring Dan Fogelberg and raising over $130,000 to fight prostate cancer with Harrington Cancer Foundation, providing Free PSA Blood tests, education and awareness.
The plan is simple –
Do in Lubbock What We’ve Done Here in Amarillo!
Long time Lubbock musician, Junior Vasquez, will be directing and performing in the show as well as some of Lubbock’s finest musicians - presenting an evening of Dan Fogelberg’s music, celebrating the life of this timeless singer-songwriter, at the same time – fighting this deadly man’s disease.
The concert is slated for September 18th, the Lubbock Civic Center Auditorium. Funds raised will benefit the Covenant Foundation to continue the fight against prostate cancer.
Friends of Fogelberg is a volunteer organization, meaning no one in our group is being paid. We’ve begun a great grass-roots movement we believe can make a real impact on the health of men – not only in Amarillo and Lubbock, but across the nation! Think Blue Too!
For Additional Info – Go to
Thank you,
Joe Ed Coffman, founder
Friends of Fogelberg
Update & Information
on Facebook

September 18th, 2014 @7:00
Lubbock Memorial Civic Theatre
Lubbock . Texas
Dedicated in Memory of
Dr. Joe Arrington
Proceeds to benefit the
Joe Arrington Cancer Center
Co-Hosts - Dr. Carl Britton
and Junior Vasquez
Kenny Maines
The Attendings
Mike Pritchard
Mark Wallney
Woody Key
Bo Garza
David Dale
Cary Banks
Jerry Slater
Mikaela Vasquez
The Friends Band