Raised Awareness. Paid Tribute.
Article by Cathleen Tyson
Joe Ed Coffman was influenced by Dan’s music and wanted to do something in his honor; and so the Friends of Fogelberg was formed. The first tribute concert was 2008, and last night brought together 20 local musicians to the stage for the 2010 Dan Fogelberg Tribute in memory of Jim Holston. On June 18, 2009, eight months after the 2008 concert, Jim died of prostate cancer at age 65.
The crowds last night were excited and responsive, and the band played on with a well organized set of Dan Fogelberg songs. With 20 musicians on the stage, they traded off harmonies, spotlights, and lead guitar solos to a crowd that ate it up. This concert brought so much talent to the stage as volunteers, giving of their time and love of Dan Fogelberg, it showed in their presence.
Dr. Richard Kibbey, Holston’s urologist and himself a prostate cancer survivor, hosted this year’s event. He spoke of the research and progression of testing prostate cancer, and how important it is to see your doctor. Dr. Kibbey also joined in on the microphone and sang with the gang to a rousing applause.
Friends of Fogelberg Musicians and bands: Anderson, Flesher & Key, Mike Fuller, Kim Loe, Bob Hopkins, The Soulbreakers, Maggie Scales, Joe Ed Coffman, Charlie Roberson, Madison Jackson, James Davis, Insufficient Funds.