Prostate Cancer can't keep a good man down
By Russell Anglin December 6, 2012

Miller, 77, of Amarillo, has hosted the support groups for two decades now after being diagnosed with prostate cancer, he said. Miller said his doctors had given him 2 to 5 years to live at that time.
“I didn’t like that worth a flip,” he said of his prognosis. “I was by myself except for my wife … it was a terrible feeling. I just wanted to share with other people and maybe help somebody else get through that terrible time and that’s why we started the prostate cancer support group.”
The group meets every three months, and the meetings are open to men who have or had prostate cancer and their spouses or other loved ones, Miller said.
“We never recommend a particular treatment or doctors or anything because we’re not doctors,” Miller said. “We try to just help the men and tell them about the things that are available and then also tell them that, in the end, even though they talk to doctors they’re responsible (for making decisions about their treatment).
“Our motto is ‘Care and share.’”
Miller said it’s possible for men with prostate cancer to continue to live fulfilling lives. Since his diagnosis, Miller said he’s gone fishing in Mexico and Canada and has refused to let cancer get him down.
“I still have the cancer and it’s active but it’s slow,” he said. “I didn’t think I’d live to be maybe 60. I’m 77 now. I’ve had a good life.
“They didn’t have a thing called a bucket list back in those days. We didn’t think about that, but that’s what I’ve started doing, filling out my bucket list.”
For more information, call Ed Sellers at 806-355-0806 or
Dick Miller at 806-355-0773.